The two grade 9 Geography groups have been researching the details of a real-life earthquake and turning their findings into a re-enactment presentation of the key events. This included being ‘in the news studio’ and ‘live on the scene’ with a mix of maps, dramatic videos and images and interviews with survivors, rescue teams, hospital staff, etc. There were also some actual re-created rescues done on self-made video and live in the classroom.
The final presentations were highly creative, varied and full of specific geographical detail of the events. It was terrific to see each group having their own unique style and method of doing the re-enactment after their superb teamwork during research and planning sessions previously. The shared feedback after each presentation will help us to ‘build our best selves’ and improve our future presentations.
Well done everyone! Hopefully, this will now help you remember these details more clearly for your IGCSE place case-study examples.
Mr. Dunn