קסנומקסאַם צו קסנומקספּם

מאנטיק צו פרייטאג

גענעריק סעלערז
פּונקט שוועבעלעך
זוכן אין טיטל
זוכן אין אינהאַלט
פּאָסט טיפּ סעלעקטאָרס
זוכן אין הודעות
זוכן אין בלעטער
פֿילטריר דורך קאַטעגאָריעס
2021–2022 שולע יאָר
2022-2023 שולע יאָר
2023-2024 שולע יאָר

Fête de La Musique

מיר סעלאַברייטיד Fête de La Musique אויף דאנערשטאג יוני 16 ביי יסל. עלטערן, שטעקן און סטודענטן זענען אַלע ינוואַלווד אין סעלאַברייטינג און מאַרקינג די געלעגנהייט. עס איז געווען אַ פאַנטאַסטיש טאָג, אָנגעפילט מיט אַ דייווערס קייט פון music and many happy faces.

The morning began with a group of staff members performing the upbeat traditional sea shanty ‘The Wellerman’, cheered on by parents and students upon arrival at the gate. This was followed by a Teleman violin duet and the famous canon by Pachelbel from the Grade 8 string quartet. Grades 1 and 2 gathered in the music room in the morning to listen to the calming sounds of the Xylophone club performing ‘Hot Cross Buns’ and ‘Up So High’. The EYU were a wonderful audience for the Grade 3/4 recorder orchestra, who presented the soprano recorder and played a “guess this song” game.

During morning break time, primary and secondary students gathered on the pitch to watch the Ecole du Grapillon batucada ensemble perform some very energetic and rhythmic music, also involving the students through participation. The Grade 7 and 8 string orchestra calmed the Grade 3/4 and 5 students in the shady afternoon with Beethoven and traditional Irish and English folk songs, whilst a team of Grade 3 and 4 girls presented an energetic traditional Philippine dance, jumping gracefully in and over bamboo sticks.

The afternoon involved performance exchanges in Grade 6 music with solo piano and guitar orchestra presentations, and to close the celebrations we had some beautiful singing from the EYU students for their parents at pickup time.

A French tradition

Fête de la Musique is an event that is traditionally held on June 21st in France, to celebrate the Summer solstice. Many musical performances take place throughout French cities and villages, in streets, parks and other public places, for people to share and discover a diverse range of music. The tradition began in 1982 when Jack Lang, Minister of Culture organised the first festival.

See below for some of the day’s highlights.

באַמערקונגען זענען פֿאַרמאַכט.

קיינמאָל פאַרפירן אַ פּאָסטן! צו אַבאָנירן צו אַ וויקלי קיצער פון אונדזער נייַעס, צושטעלן דיין E- בריוו אַדרעס אונטן.

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