8am ku-4pm

NgoMvulo ukuya ngoLwesihlanu

Abakhethi beGeneric
Ukufana okuthe ngqo
Khangela kwisihloko
Cinga ngomxholo
Izikhethi zoHlobo lwePosi
Khangela kwizithuba
Khangela kumaphepha
Coca nge Zigaba
2021–2022 Unyaka Wesikolo
2022-2023 Unyaka weSikolo
2023-2024 Unyaka weSikolo

JK – Apho Ukutya Kwethu Kuvela Khona

I-Kindergarten iqalise iYunithi entsha yoPhando kumxholo othi "Ukwabelana ngePlanethi". I-Junior Kindergarten ibe neengxoxo ezinomdla eklasini ukwabelana ngolwazi lwayo malunga food and its origin. Now, they’ve started a vegetable garden to learn more about how to grow their own food. They removed weeds, prepared the soil, and planted some lettuce. The students can’t wait to harvest them!

Amagqabantshintshi zivaliwe.

Ungaze uphoswe yiposti! Ukubhalisela ukugaywa kweveki yonke yeendaba zethu, nikezela ngedilesi yakho ye-imeyile ngezantsi.

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