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Grade 7 Rivers Excursion

Abafundi bema ngophawu lwe "OnlyLyon" kwindawo yeConfluence yaseLyon

UGrade 7 uye kuhambo lokuya kwiConfluence ngoLwesibini weveki ephelileyo njengenxalenye yeProjekthi yeRivers and Ancient Civilizations Project. Babephanda iRhône kunye neSaône kumsebenzi wophando oluziqondisayo, ngoko ke sathatha trip to see the two rivers in person.

Mr Dunn came to give a talk on the canalization, or taming, of the Rhône – a project that was undertaken to help stop the floods and damages caused in the past. The most amazing fact is that the Rhône is about 5,000,000 years old!

Amagqabantshintshi zivaliwe.

Ungaze uphoswe yiposti! Ukubhalisela ukugaywa kweveki yonke yeendaba zethu, nikezela ngedilesi yakho ye-imeyile ngezantsi.

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