8am ku-4pm

NgoMvulo ukuya ngoLwesihlanu

Abakhethi beGeneric
Ukufana okuthe ngqo
Khangela kwisihloko
Cinga ngomxholo
Izikhethi zoHlobo lwePosi
Khangela kwizithuba
Khangela kumaphepha
Coca nge Zigaba
2021–2022 Unyaka Wesikolo
2022-2023 Unyaka weSikolo
2023-2024 Unyaka weSikolo

Ukubeka iinjongo kwi-Kindergarten

Child's self-portrait with the text "I want to learn to speak Chinese"

Setting goals is an important part of the learning process, which helps us to establish a sense of purpose and responsibility for our actions. It can encourage students to develop critical-thinking skills, new problem-solving techniques, and a better understanding of how to overcome issues. The Senior Kindergarten class have set themselves some learning goals for the year, which you can see below. I wonder how they will achieve them?

Amagqabantshintshi zivaliwe.

Ungaze uphoswe yiposti! Ukubhalisela ukugaywa kweveki yonke yeendaba zethu, nikezela ngedilesi yakho ye-imeyile ngezantsi.

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