8am ku-4pm

NgoMvulo ukuya ngoLwesihlanu

Abakhethi beGeneric
Ukufana okuthe ngqo
Khangela kwisihloko
Cinga ngomxholo
Izikhethi zoHlobo lwePosi
Khangela kwizithuba
Khangela kumaphepha
Coca nge Zigaba
2021–2022 Unyaka Wesikolo
2022-2023 Unyaka weSikolo
2023-2024 Unyaka weSikolo

Umbhiyozo wokuphela konyaka we-EYU

Abafundi kwi-EYU bathi ndlelantle kuNksk. Philip kumbhiyozo wabo wokuphela konyaka. Njengesikhumbuzo, umntwana ngamnye uthunge isikwere seqhiya enkulu eyanikwa uNksz. especially designed to represent something that she likes or is interested in. We hope that she has many years of snuggling under her new quilt reading a book!

See below for some photos from the event and a recording of “It’s Time To Go” by the students in the EYU.

It’s Time To Go – By the students in the EYU
Amagqabantshintshi zivaliwe.

Ungaze uphoswe yiposti! Ukubhalisela ukugaywa kweveki yonke yeendaba zethu, nikezela ngedilesi yakho ye-imeyile ngezantsi.

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