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Schouljoer 2021-2022
2022-2023 Schouljoer
2023-2024 Schouljoer

Grad 5 Architekturmodeller

Als Deel vun eiser Untersuchungsunitéit iwwer Architektur, gouf de Grad 5 opgefuerdert eng Modellstruktur ze designen an ze bauen déi benotzt ka ginn fir Studenten ze Haus fir ISL zu engem boarding school.

We began with programming session with our Director, Mr. Johnson, who told us all the things we needed to consider when designing our structures. The students used this information, along with everything else they had learned about architecture, to design and build their models.

The finished models were evaluated by a panel of judges: Mrs. Baztán (a local architect), Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Pattinson. Well done to all Grade 5s on their fantastic work during this unit, and a special congratulations to Maya, Océane and Sofia for winning this year’s Junior Pritzker Architecture Prize for excellence in architectural design!

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