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Schouljoer 2021-2022
2022-2023 Schouljoer
2023-2024 Schouljoer

Grad 10: Fräizäit Revisioun

Studente sëtzen an engem Krees, poséiere fir d'Kamera mat roude Revisiounsspillkaarten um Buedem

Grad 10 huet viru kuerzem e Gedächtnisspill erstallt fir all literaresch Geräter déi se fir hir Examen léieren musse. Et gi méi wéi véierzeg Techniken déi se am Ganze wësse mussen! Dat meescht challenging ones revolve around the syntax of the lines and the rhyme / meter. 

Some of the harder techniques are taught at the IB level:

  1. Repetition: Anaphora – repetition of word/phrase at the beginning of successive clauses/lines.
  2. Widderhuelung: Epiphora – repetition of word/phrase at the end of successive clauses/lines.
  3. Widderhuelung: Homoioptoton – repetition of words with the same endings, e.g. suddenly, quickly.
  4. Parallel Syntax (Parallelism) – repetition of phrases in adjacent sentences/clauses e.g. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
  5. Spondee – two emphasised words placed next to each other.

You can see some of the photos from this activity below.

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