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المرحلة الابتدائية

الطلاب يدرسون الهندسة المعمارية في رحلة مدرسية
طالب يحمل مصباحًا يدويًا بينما يرسم طالب آخر الأبراج

المرحلة الابتدائية

In the Primary School (Grades 1–5), children’s natural curiosity and enthusiasm drive an inquiry-based approach to learning through the International Baccalaureate’s Primary Years Programme (PYP), for which ISL is fully accredited.

The PYP nurtures active, caring, lifelong learners who respect themselves and others while engaging responsibly with the world. Using this child-centered curriculum model, ISL teachers create a stimulating and varied learning environment where each student progresses according to their potential. Children are encouraged to share their diverse social and cultural experiences, think analytically, make connections, and become independent, creative participants in their learning. Personal development is guided by the Learner Profile, which is central to the PYP and the broader IB philosophy.

A variety of assessment methods, including self-reflection and peer evaluations, provide continuous feedback to students and parents, ensuring a dynamic and responsive learning process.

In addition to core subjects like language (reading, writing, and oral communication), mathematics, science, technology, and social studies, the curriculum features a rich visual arts and music program to inspire creativity. Weekly pastoral, social, and physical education sessions further support students’ personal growth. A balanced physical education program uses facilities such as our gym and the astro-turf multi-sports terrain.

For English language beginners in Grade 2 and above, ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) support is available at an additional cost. All children also learn French as a home or additional language.

Primary students benefit from regular out-of-school visits and trips linked to their Units of Inquiry. All classes from Grades 1–5 enjoy an annual three-day residential trip, prioritizing destinations within France or neighboring countries to reduce the carbon footprint while taking advantage of local opportunities.

نموذج منهج برنامج السنوات الابتدائية (PYP) لبرنامج البكالوريا الدولية

للحصول على تفاصيل حول منهجنا الأساسي ، يرجى الرجوع إلى وثائق برنامج السنوات الابتدائية الخاصة بنا:

ملحوظة: جميع عمليات التدريس والتعلم في برنامج السنوات الابتدائية مدعومة من قبل ISL الرؤية والقيم والرسالة و ملف متعلم IBO.

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